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By concentrating our efforts in education, we empower young minds to unlock their full potential, creating a generation of leaders and changemakers. We’ve identified three goals with that in mind:

1. Building schools & supporting other educational needs in local communities

Providing much needed school supplies, and supporting other education initiatives that will make learning more accessible in rural areas throughout East Africa (Primary & Secondary Schools)

2. College-Prep Counseling

Applying to colleges & universities is a skill in itself; through our college preparation counseling program, students will be paired with one of our Counselors to help them identify compatible programs and guide them through the application process. The connections we’re building with higher education institutions across the world will give our students more opportunities to find, apply & enroll in the program of their dreams. Our Counselors will:

+ Assess students’ strengths & goals to help identify possible areas of study.

+ Identify specific programs at colleges & universities, locally and abroad, that align with their strengths & goals.

+ Aid in the application process, including program inquiries, college essay writing, application fees, financial aid/scholarship applications, and anything else admissions may need in the decision-making process.

+ Aid in the enrollment process, including making sure our students provide the needed documents, successfully enroll in classes, and feel prepared & confident for their first day of class.

3. Nurture All Afric Foundation Scholarship

Through this scholarship program, we will award partial scholarships to students who have scored well in national exams, but are not able to afford higher education.

Scholarship Details:

+ It is the selected students’ responsibility to be admitted to an accredited university.

+ Once admitted, the student must show they are maintaining a grade of a B or higher.

+ Available for undergraduate degree programs.

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